kingdom life Groups

Life Groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. Considering that the early church worshipped in large settings in the synagogues as well as in homes, we unite together similarly in order to be in deeper fellowship with God and one-another. God has reconciled us not only to Himself but also to each other. This "each other" is called His Church. Thus, we intentionally strive toward community through men's/women's groups, home gatherings, and other personal settings.

life groups are about "Community"

We have been created to live in community and not in isolation. Physically, we do live in a community, but spiritually, socially, and relationally we often live our lives in isolation. We find ourselves with no one to turn to when we have a major issue that has just surfaced in our life. Living in community affords us the opportunity to more wholly experience God through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we study and live out God’s word together.



Acts 2:46-47, Message Bible



Our Vision is to be a multicultural community of vibrant worshippers that influence Anchorage and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Mission is to equip people with the tools to live a kingdom lifestyle and then send them weekly and missionally to live that lifestyle in their spheres of influence. Life Groups play a key role in fulfilling the vision and mission of KLC.


Life groups are a good source of discipleship, accountability, and encouragement. The primary purpose of Life Groups is to give people a safe place to connect, build relationships, and grow together spiritually.

The Role of a Life Group Leader

When you think about leading a Life Group don’t think about teaching – think about hosting and facilitating a discussion or activity. That will be your primary role. The Life Group Leader provides the venue, hosts a warm and friendly environment, and facilitates the meeting discussion or activity. Life Groups are aimed at promoting participation from members of the group, creating a conversation that fosters spiritual growth and encouragement.

KLC may provide pre-approved DVD curriculum or books for the leader to use in the group. If you have curriculum that you would like to use you will have to submit it for approval.

What Kind of Group?

There are different kinds of Kingdom Life Groups you can consider facilitating, each with a different focus:

  • Discussion: The group focus is on learning and growing together. The Leader’s intention is to encourage the group to grow through group study, discussion and prayer around a particular topic of interest to the group. Group Leaders should check to see if we have a curriculum that is available for them to use.
  • Activity: The group focus is on connecting through a shared interest or activity. The Leader’s intention is to create friendships with both Christian and pre-Christian people.
  • Support: The group focus is on helping others win in specific areas of life. The Leader’s intention is to bring aid and support to individuals who are in the process of overcoming specific life issues using specialized curriculum and resources approved by church leadership (Finances, Health, Divorce, Addiction Recovery).
  • Outreach: The group focus is on reaching people in the community. The leader’s intention is to serve a specific need in the community. The group may partner with an agency or organization that is providing a specific service to the community.

Life Group Calendar

Life groups have a starting and ending point.

  •         FALL SEASON: The fall season runs from August through November (December is optional).
  •         SPRING SEASON: The Spring season runs from January – April (May – July is optional.

Each season is preceded with a Life Group Leader Orientation and a Life Group Launch Sunday to help you get started.

Life Group Boundaries

Life Groups must have a safe environment where friendships can be developed. Life Groups are not a place…

  •         for business promotions or for network marketing promotions.
  •         to receive monetary Offerings.
  •         to invite unapproved speakers or use teaching materials that are not approved by the Lead Pastor or Coordinator.
  •         to introduce unapproved doctrine or direct KLC members to other ministries.
  •         to make contracts or promises on behalf of Kingdom Life Church.

First Steps to Starting Your Life Group

Your first step is to take Belong (if you are new to KLC [less than a year] or have never led a KLC group or ministry).

Your second step is designing your own group and submit your concept to the Life Group Team/Coordinator for approval. Your design should include the following…

  •         WHAT is the focus of the group (discussion, interest, support, outreach)?
  •         HOW frequently the group meets (weekly, bi-monthly or monthly).
  •         WHERE the group meets (home, restaurant, church, etc.)
  •         WHO is the group’s target audience (men, women, couples, parents, students, young adults, senior adults, etc.)?


Your third step is very important if you want to succeed. Start by looking for someone to assist you in leading your Life Group. Then make a list of up to ten people you know in and/or outside of KLC that you would like to invite.

Your Life Group should reflect your passion, interests, and your spiritual gift. The success of the Life Group will be determined by two factors: 1) your enthusiasm and initiative to connect with potential members, and 2) whether your group focus meets the needs, wants, and interests of the community you are targeting.

Generally, a group size of 3 – 8 people is optimal for a comfortable environment for connecting and sharing for most people. Generally, we would like your group to stay open during the Fall or Spring session for people to join.

Promoting Your Life Group

You are the best source of promotion when it comes to starting and sustaining a Life Group. A leader who is enthusiastic takes initiative in inviting others with a personal touch can be assured of good attendance in their group. The best invitation is live and in person or by phone, not email.

We promote a small culture at Kingdom Life Church so every individual understands he/she can find a safe place to belong. We advertise our Life Groups on the main page of our website.

That enables people to find your group based on time, location, and focus. We promote the start of our Fall and Spring sessions through Life Group Launch Sunday.


When inviting families with young children to your group, you have two options for accommodations. Your group can find a reliable teenager who will come and provide childcare during the meeting time. Parents can pay this person directly. Please do consider what is manageable for a teen to handle in your home. Another option is to rotate responsibility amongst the members of your group. Have someone manage a schedule and activities (games, videos or crafts) for the children.

Using Church Community Builder

You will be granted access to Church Community Builder, a contact management tool that will help you communicate with your group.

In order to use CCB you will have to create a login and password. Just click the register link and follow the instructions.

CCB will advertise your group to those with access to the online community. In addition, inquiries about your group from our website will be immediately sent to CCB. In turn, CCB will notify you by email (your email is kept private). You will also be able to…

  •         Create a roster
  •         Send group emails.
  •         Invite CCB attenders you know.
  •         Download a PDF roster so you can pray for your group. 

The Approval Process

To start the approval process, to lead a Life Group, you must first complete the Belong. Belong will orientate you to the vision, mission, and values of KLC. You will also gain an understanding of your spiritual gifts. When you complete Belong and are recognized as a KLC member, you are then ready to complete the rest of the approval process…

  •         Submit your Life Group Leader Application,
  •         Attend a Life Group Leadership Orientation, 
  •         Read and agree to live by the Believe, Fight, Win Pledge. 

Believe, Fight, Win Pledge

As a Life Group Leader, you commit to the following pledge:

“I BELIEVE what the Bible defines as sin is sin.

While leading a group, I agree to consistently and aggressively FIGHT (resist) what the Bible defines as sin. When I lose, I agree to repent quickly (1 John 1:9), and resume my fight.

Winners consistently WIN against sin. I agree, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to pursue a winning pattern of living while leading my Life Group at KLC.”

As followers of Jesus, the way we present ourselves to others is of vital importance to the way others perceive Him. Our conduct should never be an embarrassment to Christ, but should exemplify the best qualities of a mature believer and leader.

Exemplifying the highest moral commitment, KLC Life Group Leaders should strive to cultivate an intimate relationship with God through regular Bible reading and prayer. It is expected that you also refrain from behaviors that might cause Christ to grieve and others to stumble (Read Romans Chapter 14).


Further Commitment

In order for you to lead a Life Group we expect you to be a committed member of Kingdom Life Church, which means you honor the Lord through regular tithes and offerings, you are faithful to attend services (inviting others to attend), and you practice accountability to your Pastors.

When your group has been approved, we ask that you:

  • Pray, prepare, and promote your Life Group meetings.
  • Provide a safe and caring environment for people to build friendships.
  • Encourage group members to take the next step in their relationship with Christ.
  • Look for opportunities to inspire someone else to lead a Life Group.
  • Track and Report attendance for your Life Group using CCB.
  • Respond in a timely manner to any communications from the Life Group support team that manages your account in CCB.
  • Share testimonies from the members of your Life Group.